Wednesday, March 07, 2007

good news? bad news? I can't decide!

Well, it looks like we may have run out of luck on the visa situation...and that means I will probably have to come home for a few weeks while we get the paperwork straightened out! This, of course, is wonderful for seeing people, for eating American food, and for hearing the English language -- but not so wonderful to leave my students during Senior Project and the final deadline for yearbook. sigh.
I'll let you know as soon as I hear something official, but odds are good I'll be heading to DC and then to Rocky Mount in the next couple of weeks, and probably staying over Spring Break. If I can get a car, I'll make my way to Gboro, too. We'll see...

I was really down about it today. There's so much stress involved in this -- but fortunately, I found a ray of sunlight in this dark cloud, and his name is Istvan! He walked in today right before my 5th period class started and explained that he is my new student teacher and can sub for me while I'm gone! Hallelujah. Finding subs here isn't exactly as easy as calling the Guilford County hotline, so this is fairly miraculous. In the meantime, pray that this will all be resolved quickly, and that I will be patient!

Can't wait to see you guys -- Jess, I already penciled you and Loftis in!

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At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad the Lord provided a helper while you are here in the U.S. Come and visit us in Burlington if you can.

At 7:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Romans 8:28


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