Saturday, March 10, 2007

lesson plans, patty griffin, and milkballs...

I've been at school a long time today. The downside of taking a "vacation" from work is that there's actually far more work involved than just teaching. sigh. so I decided I'd tear myself away from debating whether to have my students start Tale of Two Cities or Return of the Native while I'm gone. It's much more fun to update the blog and listen to a little Patty. I adore her songs, and I'm kind of jealous of her. It's just not fair that she can sing like that and write amazing lyrics!
Anyway, you're probably wondering about milkballs. That's from last night, when 6 of the teachers at the school had an authentic Indian meal cooked by one of the parents here. It was soooo good... I really like Indian food, but I had never had dessert before. Parker had assured me that milkballs (which, by the way, is his made-up name for some Indian words we can't remember) are exceptionally yummy, and they were. It's kind of like a doughnut in syrup, but made with powdered milk and (I think) saffron and cardomom. Tasty. My favorite, though, is still samosas. I am going to learn how to cook those at some point.... I really enjoyed getting to spend time with my student's family, and be in a real house! As grateful as I am for my apartment, it is definitely a Commie Condo and not too aesthetically pleasing :)

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