Wednesday, October 04, 2006


We're moving in the new building!

We got the official notice today, so it's our last day roaming in the middle school rooms. I am so excited. I despise roaming. I mean, really, I can't keep my stuff organized in my own room, much less moving back and forth between three!

We just had our first chapel meeting in the new building, and it was a nice change, particularly since I didn't have to stand behind a column today. Plus, it's the kickoff to the high school retreat. Yes, that's right. Thursday - Saturday, I will be chaperoning ~100 high school students on a trip to a retreat center. I can't decide if this is exciting or terrifying :)

It is pretty cool, though, because the senior class plans everything -- all the teachers have to do is chaperone! It's their first major leadership task, and they really take ownership. It's nice to see them so enthusiastic and willing to work to make it successful.

So anyway, I hope to have some fun pictures of my students sometime next week. and pictures of our awesome new building!!!!!

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At 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ABC has the episode of Lost online!

So more confused than ever!

At 6:11 PM, Blogger Paula said...

Yeah -- but only if you're in the US! We can't access the website where you actually download the episode. I was so disappointed. Never fear -- there are two other teachers who are addicted, so we plan to download them off itunes and have lost viewing parties! but don't give anything away yet....


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