Wednesday, September 27, 2006

see you at the pole...

I was kind of surprised to find that prayer at the pole happens even in Hungary! This morning, I got to school a little early, so I headed out for a minute to grab a few pictures for yearbook. How cool is this -- today there was a man here from Texas, and he helped to originate the See You at the Pole day there several years ago. He is in Budapest now and heard that our school was hosting one, so he came to see. Wouldn't it be cool to see something you started several years ago in action in a totally different country? I just thought that was fascinating.

I really love Wednesdays here anyway, because it's chapel day! Students lead it, and I really enjoy that. It's nice to see that teenagers do sometimes care about things and take action! The kids here, aside from the horrible "We hate Canterbury Tales" debacle, really are amazing. The Christians are genuine in their faith, and I never see any animosity toward the students who don't share their beliefs. I really like that we don't seem to have some of the tension that I noticed in the States.

My other favorite thing about Wednesdays is that students are dismissed early so that the faculty can meet. It's so nice not to have to sit at school forever after the day is done!

off to grade a quiz from Things Fall Apart... have a great day!

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At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HARDY!!! haha...i would have to agree with the Canterbury Tales thing...sorry...but yea. i hope you are having a great time...i wanna get outta this country REAL soon. well see. this is taylor by the way. have a good tomorrow...bye.


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