Monday, July 28, 2008

summer's almost over

I’m kind of freaking out. I leave next week for Hungary. Next week! This summer has been incredibly fast.

Highlights since last post:
Leslie’s wedding. Leslie was, of course, gorgeous, and I was really glad I could be at her wedding. I remember when she and Chris first met! I especially enjoyed getting to see so many SE people – I love and miss you guys!
Reunions. I got to see my college roommates, and Al’s absolutely adorable children, and Les and Mandy and their bajillion kids. (ok, there’s only 5 – but it feels like there’s more!) I don’t even have words to describe how cute they are. And we got to visit a couple of our favorite places from college. Al, I’m so grateful you could drive up, even in the midst of moving. Stace, thanks for letting me crash at your house. Nik, thanks for helping me in my never-ending quest for clothes that actually fit me :)
Family. I’ve been able to see family quite a bit this summer, and even got to stay with Becky and David in Greensboro. One thing I have truly learned while I’ve been gone is the importance of family. I’m so grateful for this time!
Churches. I’ve spoken with several church groups this summer, and have two more left to go. It’s been really fun to be able to share my work with other people, even with those I don’t know. People have been so encouraging, and it makes me remember how much I love what I do. I’m kind of getting excited to go back now! I also got to speak at Beth’s church, so I got to spend some time with her family. It’s amazing to trace my life’s path – Beth was incredibly influential to me when I was in high school, and I’m certain that’s one of the reasons I want to work with high school kids. As an added bonus, I’ve added some people to my mailing list, and I think I’m down to about $100 a month left to raise in support. Please be praying that it will all come in!

Before I go, I still need to see a few people, even though I know I’m missing some – I’m so sorry about the Greensboro people – I just can’t get back there again! :( I also need to finish up my work at Firestone, eat some barbeque and Mom’s fried chicken, see the Dark Knight at the Imax theater, pack, and spend a few days camping before I go back to Hungary. Whew!

Just as a reminder, the address for contributions has changed (if you were using automatic payments with a credit card, nothing’s changed for you). If you would like to help out, remember to send it to the new address:
United World Mission
PO Box 602002
Charlotte NC

And memo the check with my name! (If you were using automatic payments with a credit card, nothing’s changed)

I love and appreciate you all, even if I haven’t had a chance to see you this summer!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

yeah, I know.

so I've been incredibly slack about keeping up with this.

Here's what my life has consisted of in the last few weeks:
*shopping. loading up on American goodies to take back to Hungary. I have to be pretty careful, as I am still in the "ooh, Oreos! Better get them while I can!" mentality. I have to make a serious effort to tell myself I don't need to buy everything I might possibly crave in the next year...
*support raising. I think I have about $300 per month left to raise! I have a few more churches scheduled, so hopefully I'll be able to raise a bit more that way.
*working. I work at a tire factory. That's right. me. at a tire factory. I'm working with emails all day. but I do get to walk across the plant in my awesome safety shoes and goggles -- and sometimes ear plugs!
*catching up with old friends. ok, so I haven't seen a lot of you yet - but I have been able to camp with the Kerr Lake crew, meet up with old friends like Renata and Jenny B., and visit good ol' Southside. I've also been able to catch up with family, including Granny's 85th birthday!
*And I've been able to go to a Bulls game and learn to wakeboard! I admit I'm not very good. but I got up! I was pretty proud of myself.
this weekend -- Leslie's wedding! and I FINALLY get to go to Greensboro!
