Friday, October 27, 2006

test day!

I love test days. It's so nice to have a class period where I don't have to put on a show of sorts, and can just sit back and work on the other billion and a half things I need to do (until they're finished and I have to grade the tests, but I don't want to think about that right now...)

funny how cultural differences pop up unexpectedly. When we did a test review yesterday, I pulled up the old stand-by: Jeopardy. I always feel a little boring when I do that, like I can't come up with a more original idea than the game every blessed teacher uses. Well, some of these kids had never heard of Jeopardy. never. didn't know the game, didn't know the theme song. weird.

and yet, Paris Hilton's "song" has made it all the way to Hungary.

It's also weird to think that it's Friday, since we had Monday and Tuesday off for the Hungarian holiday. On Fridays during morning devotions, I ask the kids to pray for one another. It always surprises me that, with one or two exceptions, these kids sincerely pray. At first I was a little uncomfortable with that; I mean, really, I come from a public school where praying openly would be more than a little weird. But now, I've grown to love it. It really does help create community in the class. It's a little hard to be mad at the annoying kid behind you, when you've just thanked the Lord for his friendship! These kids are so great.

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