Wednesday, October 11, 2006

adventures in driving....

The director of the school is really cool. He and his wife have this extra car they just loan out to the new teachers when we need it. Since I can't drive a stick, I never have, but last night Lisa B and I got brave. We needed to get some stuff for a bridal shower, and instead of taking public, we thought we'd try to drive there.

All was well -- Lisa fearlessly navigated narrow little roads and roundabouts, we chatted happily about all kinds of things...and then we realized we had missed the exit and were in fact heading into downtown Budapest. during heavy traffic. with no idea how to get back.

Thank God for cellphones, and Parker, without whom we would probably be on our way to some place in Austria. And, miracle of miracles, on our way out of Auchan (it's like an imitation WalMart), we saw Gary, who is married to our elementary principal and helped us get back home again.

so one of my students just came up to see what I was doing (don't worry; it's study hall! I would never be on the internet during class...) :) and said I have to write about him. I don't have favorites, but if I did, Joel would be up there, since I have him in three separate classes, and he brings me food (although you have yet to deliver on that cheesecake!) SE people, think of Taylor Bailey, except for an unexplained love of High School Musical...

Don't worry, Taylor; you can never be replaced! Really, I miss my SE kids. I'm getting a little sad thinking about missing Homecoming, so guys, take lots of pictures and post them on your myspaces! Love you all.

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At 12:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought i was your favorite.

At 4:12 PM, Blogger Paula said...

Ah Jess....didn't I teach you how to read? I don't have favorites! (but you are definitely one of my favored few!)


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