Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Campona is our local mall and home to Tesco, where we can buy most of what our little hearts desire. Sometimes people with cars offer to take us there, but when no one else is around, we get the joy of public transportation!
So here's what our night looked like. Heather and I are baking for a staff-wide dessert extravaganza this weekend, and last night was our only chance to go to Tesco. At 6:15, we left with Lisa A and waited for the bus that supposedly arrives at 6:27. Yeah, it came at 6:45. So we get to Campona, eat at the food court, and head to Tesco. None of the materials we need are available, so we make compromises on nearly all of our ingredients. We did, however, find an electric mixer, which I was really excited about. So we check out, but have to register all of our electronic equipment at the front desk. This takes forever, as we know very little Hungarian. Finally, we finish and make our way to the bus stop. Yeah, the bus had just left, so we had to wait another 45 minutes.
So at 10:30 we lug all of our bags through the rain back to our apartment. That's approximately 4 hours. boy, do I miss living next to BiLo!
To add insult to injury, when I opened the box for the electric mixer, I had only one attachment. So now I have to go back and exchange it! sigh.

So anyway, when you go grocery shopping this week, be very, very grateful that you live in the US and not Hungary! :)

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