Sunday, July 30, 2006

Murphy's law and heat stroke

What's worse than moving out of your apartment?

moving out of your apartment when your air conditioning is broken!

Saturday, July 29, 2006


It's funny how I am simultaneously excited and sad. The emotional pendulum swings between the two extremes several times a day. One minute I'll be hyper over my Budapest friends, or my amazing teaching schedule -- and the next, I'll be bawling. Yesterday, I am ashamed to admit, I found myself crying as I watched Independence Day. You read that right -- the Will Smith movie about aliens trying to destroy the Earth made me cry like a little girl. three times.

I think it might be cathartic to pick a real tear-jerker and just cry myself out, because I am not looking forward to the flood when I have to start saying goodbyes this week!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

the essentials of language

So I've been trying to learn some basic Hungarian. I can ask someone if they speak English or how to get to the closest restroom. You know, the important things.

Then what does it say about me that the phrase I remember most is "A slice of chocolate cake, please!"?

Egy szelet csokis süteményt kérek!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Confessions of a pack-rat

I really, really hate packing with a passion. It's hard to box up all your worldly possessions, but it's more than that. I am a true pack-rat, and as such I save everything -- because, you know, I might one day fit into my favorite dress from high school, and these magazines from 2001 would be great for class collages, and that college textbook may someday offer me wisdom, in spite of the fact that I have never opened it...
I've learned, though, that I'm really not all that practical. I just hate throwing things away. I'm incredibly sentimental, so those movie stubs are not just trash to me. They remind me of great times with my friends; now how can I throw that away?
I'm getting better. Packing everything I'll need for two years into two suitcases has a way of re-prioritizing my thinking. It's still difficult to say goodbye to things I love.
It's even harder to say goodbye to people. I'm trying to carve out time to see as many people as possible before I go, but I know that realistically I can't see everyone. I hope you know that you are all important to me. You're worth more than ticket stubs and birthday cards -- and to me, that's a lot!

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog! I've been learning a lot about the importance of partnership in ministry, and I feel like you guys are my partners. You have no idea how much your enthusiasm, encouragement, support, and prayers mean to me! I'm hoping to update this regularly throughout my two years in Budapest to help us keep in touch. I will send out letters, but in this blog I plan to be a little more detailed and personal -- so you get to hear about my work AND all my mistakes trying to speak Hungarian!

Here's where I'm at now:
  • I've completed my training, and it was amazing! I feel like it really prepared me to teach Third Culture Kids, and I LOVE the people who will be serving with me in Budapest. As you can see in the picture, there will be quite a few new teachers at ICSB this year. It's a great group of people, and I am so excited about working with them!
  • I have received around 65% of my monthly support --a big thank you to those of you who have been able to help financially! I have been overwhelmed and humbled by your generosity. I'm still looking for people, churches, small groups, businesses, etc. who might be willing to help, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know.
  • I've started packing up and plan to move out of Greensboro at the end of July. My plane leaves for Budapest on August 11!

I am so grateful to have your friendship and support.
