Tuesday, April 01, 2008

mental breakdown in 3...2...

So in the past week, we've had an ant infestation, a washing machine die, and a car die. I haven't been especially happy over the unholy trinity, but I was coping...until today. Ivan, a Hungarian who works at the school, called a mechanic about our car today. He was speaking too quickly for me to understand much of what was being said, but unfortunately, the finger slash across the throat, followed by the sympathy pat on the head -- well, that's pretty universal. He later translated for me that fixing our car is like resurrecting the dead and we would be better served to throw our money directly into the trash. Great.

Serina has been challenging me to find opportunities for thanksgiving and joy in all circumstances. So today I prayed that the Lord would show me reason to find joy despite all of our financial woes (and the mound of dirty clothes that's piling up). Lo and behold, the Lord answered my prayer, and truly it was in an unexpected way.... I got on the internet, and there it was: my 6th grade dream come true.

I love that the Lord has a sense of humor, because it really did make me laugh.

I'm also holding out hope that Lord is pulling the ultimate April Fool's Day prank. Lisa thinks that perhaps there will be a shiny new car waiting for us at the end of the day! Yeah, we're a little delusional...

but I am giddy about the weather! It's finally gorgeous outside. I spent all day Sunday showing my student teacher around Budapest. So odd to know that just a week earlier, it was snowing, while we walked around with no jackets.

See, I can find something to be thankful for! :)

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At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel better, we have ants too.


At 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who wouldn't want to hear a forty-something boy band?

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Twenty Two Photo said...

bummer about your car...i'm so glad I got to take part in its life....

bummer about last night...BUT a couple of good things that came out of it....Kathy, Joslyn, and myself ALL have decided we're so going to go see New Kids if they come this way AND after the game Matt, Kay, Joslyn, Kathy and I all jammed out to "Friends are Friends Forever" in the car. It was a true moment:)


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