Tuesday, April 22, 2008

a little poetry

I stumbled upon this in our AP lit book and felt like it sums up my thoughts right now pretty well.... Alastair Reid, Speaking a Foreign Language

How clumsy on the tongue, these acquired idioms,
after the innuendos of our own. How far
we are from foreigners, what faith
we rest in one sentence, hoping a smile will follow
on the appropriate face, always wallowing
between what we long to say and what we can,
trusting the phrase is suitable to the occasion,
the accent passable, the smile real,
always asking the traveller's fearful question --
what is being lost in translation?
Something, to be sure. And yet, to hear
the stumbling of foreign friends, how little we care
for the wreckage of word or tense. How endearing they are,
and how our speech reaches out, like a helping hand,
or limps in sympathy. Easy to understand,
through the tangle of language, the heart behind
groping toward us, to make the translation of
syntax into love.

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At 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a great poem!
and it applies as well to those around us who aren't as verbally gifted, doesn't it



At 10:04 AM, Blogger Audrey said...

Absolutely fantastic, Paula. I am so impressed by the Hungarians as they use English. Oh, that they will extend grace to me as I learn! And they do.


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