Thursday, April 17, 2008

ELL pic


So tonight was our last English class, and it was truly sad to say goodbye to them all! Heather made them chocolate chip cookies, and we played Apples to Apples. They're so sweet; it's one of the things I most enjoy doing here in Hungary. Here are the faithful few who came almost every week this year.

Today was also Poem In Your Pocket Day. I had never heard of this before, but apparently a group in New York started it a few years ago as part of National Poetry Month. The idea is to carry around a poem all day and be willing to share a love of poetry with others. I gave my AP kids a challenge to recite and give out copies of a poem for extra credit. Boy, did they. Three of them recited their poems to over 100 people today. 100! That's a lot of poetry :)

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At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No picture. :(

Wow - that is a lot of poetry!



At 9:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my pomeThe last breaths of winter whisp their way
In frost they paint the sullen grass
The sun splits night and bathes the day
with life and promise for us to pass
with hope and dreams of days to come
when shoots of green their visage make
and fill the land with emerald hues
and blossoms take their place in time
Tis God who works in all of this
to please us with his world sublime.



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