Thursday, April 17, 2008

I LOVE Teacher Appreciation Week.

...although I am probably eating an entire year's worth of sugar from all the goodies I'm getting!

I really do love working here. Last night we had a meeting about the senior trip, and I got so excited. I am more than ready to go to Malta (Crete didn't work out) -- but I am equally excited about hanging out with these kids and helping them say goodbye well. I just spent all of study hall talking to a girl who's worried about transitioning back to the States next year. She kept talking about how it's hard to start over in a new culture when you don't know anyone and have no idea what the future holds -- and I can totally relate to that! Anyway, I love that I work in a school where those kind of relationships are encouraged, and the kids are appreciative. and bring me CDs, like my yearbook editor just did! or the brownies I'm currently stuffing my face with.... yeah, Teacher Appreciation Week is good.

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