Monday, November 13, 2006

holiday plans...

It's so strange to be in a country that doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving. They're already in full Christmas mode, which naturally I love. Still it adds an extra element of anxiety about my holiday plans. I already know that I'm helping host a few people for Thanksgiving dinner, so assuming we can cook something vaguely traditional, I feel ok (can I just insert a minor complaint here? Why does this country not import sweet potatoes? Can you even have a Thanksgiving dinner without some kind of sweet potato casserole????). Christmas, however, is another story: would I be less inclined to feel miserable about not being at home in a foreign environment where I'd be distracted, or in the relative familiarity of Diosd? Oh, the dilemma! and whether I travel on or after Christmas, I have to decide my plans soon to either order a eurail pass or book a flight, which is become more and more difficult the closer we get to the holiday. And where, exactly, shall I go?

This is where I open it up to you, my faithful readers.... click on the handy little comment box and leave your input. I'll post lots of pictures, so what would you like to see? Current contenders include Spain, the UK, France and the Riviera, Austria and Switzerland...

We're saving Greece for Spring Break! :)

In other news, for those of you who know Stacey Wynkoop -- well, she's not going to be a Wynkoop much longer!!!! Still giddy on your behalf, Stace... congrats!

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At 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Stacie!

Phyllis Hardy

At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooh oooooh!! go to ireland!!!!!


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